First Snow on the Pond 2014

First snow on the pond 2014

First snow 2014

Here we go with the first snow fall on the pond of 2014, just getting started and more to come. All the ponds are ready for winter with fountains cleaned, prepped and stored away. The aeration systems are ready as well with moving the diffusers to shallow water to keep a hole in the ice and protect the deck from heaving in the ice.

Earlier this fall we took advantage of the warmer weather and low pond level to cut the plants back and remove them from the pond so we don’t end up with more muck and nutrients for next year. With the slow sloping of out little pond we managed to mow some of the plant life and rake out of the pond and for the plants in the water we used our special tool to cut under water and rake out the excess plant growth.

over 10

Snow Continues to Accumulate

Back to our little snow storm and as the day moves forward the snow has not stopped but increased its rate and density in the lake effect snow bands. Once they get started and settle in they just keep dumping snow. With the warm water on the lake being pulled into the atmosphere and being dumped on land, its anyone’s guess when it will stop of how much snow fall will be laid down. Sometimes these are bands and sometimes it could be county wide. The strange part is that one area can see over a foot of snow and a few miles away only a few inches.  And yes we get lake effect rain storms too.

Sort of the same as building a pond where one location may have all the clay we need for a sealed pond and the next property only having gravel and sand.

Snow a few hours later at the pond

Snow a few hours later at the pond

As the day moved on the snow kept falling covering all the snow and after the snow ended we had 10 plus inches. Not bad for our first snow fall of the season, let’s hope it melts off and we don’t end up with too much that we have to keep pushing back.

If the cold air keeps around we should start seeing ice start to form on the pond soon.

That’s all for now, I just wanted to share our little excitement of the first snow fall on the pond. Yes it is pretty at the moment but come January – February it may not be that pretty.

Oh one more note on all this snow and the pond. We will still get the impurities from the snow falling into the pond but on the brighter side with the ground covered we will see less mud running into the pond as the slowly melts at the ground and seeps to the pond, sort of a nice gentle water exchange flushing out with new water.


About the Author: Darrell Rhoades is the founder of A one man business, works full time in tool & die. It all started when he built his own pond for the family. Ran into pond issues and started the research with pond suppliers and conferences for pond management. He writes about pond building and pond management and sells pond management supplies, aeration & fountains and Practical hands on experiences at . No physical store, but has items in stock.