Temperature is dropping, leaves are colorful and the trees are starting to get naked. Sort of a good thing for a change of scenery since it opens up our view to more sky and able to see deeper into the woods.
What an awesome time of year for sights, sounds and smells and a quick reminder to get ready for winter, finish those summer projects or put them away for next year.
What about the pond, is it ready for winter?
In our recent post we talked about Fall Pond Cleanup and what we need to do to clean up the pond now for a better pond next spring. Check out the post if you didn’t see it yet.
But there are other things we need to do at the pond. Of course if we have a boat in the water, picnic tables, chairs and decorations we’ll need to get them put away, but what about the fountain or aeration system?
Personally I bring the fountain out of the water, power wash it and store it out of the weather. Sure some folks leave them in but why take a chance of the freezing water hurting your investment.
The aeration system can go a couple different ways, leave it run, but move the diffuser to half the depth of the pond, or unplug it for winter or do some maintenance like change the air filter or rebuild the compressor. Take care of your compressor, it is the life source for pond health and fish health.
We do compressor rebuilds here at WhatPond and through an OEM company. We will need the brand, model number and anything you can find on the compressor. Plus and address to figure shipping. Check out our Aeration System Repairs for more details.
Locally we are in a rain pattern and the temp is getting cold enough to snow at night but not too bad that the water will freeze. In Erie, Pa this is our warning sign that the weather is going down hill and we could have accumulating snow very soon and freezing temperatures. Which means the fountain is coming out as soon as the rain breaks a little.
One year we did get caught with 2 feet of snow in October so we better get it done sooner than later.