Big Waterfalls

niagara fallsThere comes a time to stop and smell the roses, but I’m allergic to them so every day we spend time at the ponds. Taking time to relax and enjoy the peaceful oasis while listening to the fountain, frogs, feeding fish and our boys (the 4 legged kids) and just plain lose the days stress’s by soaking in nature and the beautiful sunsets. (video below)

Folks are always saying to take a break, take some time off to relax and rejuvenate or you’ll get burned out. You know take a trip or a mini vacation, something that can offer new insights or experiences

So let’s take off on a day trip, one day vacation. We meet up with my friend Phil Mutrie, his little woman Vanessa and her friend. Phil is from Canada, eh! My wife loves his accent. Phil and I met a little over a year ago online and formed a great friendship.phil

Oh come on, let’s get to the story. Ok here we go to Niagara Falls, hmm waterfalls does give me ideas to connect our 2 ponds so that was part of the trip. The rest was sightseeing, chatting, eating and lots of walking. At first we took our time walking along the river trying to figure out what we would do for the day stopping every 25’ or so to poke our heads over the bank and see the falls at a little bit different angles. It was a lot more exciting than the last time I was there being a young guy but did remember the flower clock.

erosionWe ended up buying the all day pass, yes the absolute best way to go if you plan on hitting all the attractions. We went under the falls in the tunnels carved out many years ago and the Maid of the Mist was cool too. Yes when you are given a rain coat to wear… wear it, it means there’s a good chance you’ll get wet.

The falls themselves was a great experience as well with the amount of water flowing over them, too much to comprehend and just like the energizer bunny they just keep going and going. Ok so I think the next or maybe the biggest attraction that got me going even more was the Niagara Furry, how the falls were made. I really want one of these at home but could be expensive. This is a 4D experience no cameras allowed and way too involved to try and explain in Niagara 1this post. But I can say it was absolutely amazing from 70 degrees to 50 in 30 seconds was impressive and then it started to snow… really cool sights sounds effected both mentally and physically. If you only want to spend for one attraction I would recommend going to the Niagara Furry is an absolute must to see and feel.

Finally we get to the part where part of the reason I went was to check out the water falls to get ideas for future plans at WhatPond. If you didn’t know we slipped in another pond last year and at some point will connect them with a stream ending with a waterfall. Lots of work and planning but that is what I do when I’m out feeding the fish and boys. Just stop and look around, look at other falls and try to picture them. Should it be like this or that, how big, how wide? The list goes on and on but be sure when I take little breaks I’ll be thinking of those questions and throughout the winter months. So take some breaks in everyday life and at least one day a month to just cut loose.

niagara2Oh the day trip to relax and take it easy ended up very exhausting, man I was beat and didn’t get home till after midnight. Sure did sleep well. Just like Aqua Control says on the website “ the Possibilities are endless” which gives me more ideas as they do have the Niagara Series waterfall pumps, 1hp to 7.5 hp.

About the Author: Darrell Rhoades is the founder of A one man business, works full time in tool & die. It all started when he built his own pond for the family. Ran into pond issues and started the research with pond suppliers and conferences for pond management. He writes about pond building and pond management and sells pond management supplies, aeration & fountains and Practical hands on experiences at . No physical store, but has items in stock.

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